November 17, 2002

Reanne Hates Freud

Okay I better get this bitching out before I go to class, Rel 201 (Theories & Methods of Religious Studies), tomorrow and just start ranting because this guy is really beginning to piss me off. I remember in the Bell reading we did for class she described her career as a constant battle with Durkheim; mine I feel might end up being a constant battle with Freud.

One, you just CANNOT make a theory about the emergence of not only religion, but sexuality, society, basically everything based on only half of the population! He tries to apply his Oedipus complex to EVERYTHING, explaining that the emergence of religion came about because of some primal horde, where the sons killed their father to sleep with their mothers. They feel guilty for killing the father and therefore revere him into a god-like entity. He goes on and on about how religions are based on the horror and taboo that develops from this, applies all religion that everything has to do with boys wanting to kill their father and sleep with their mothers. But what about the DAUGHTERS? Well Freud, where are the women (other than being object of procreation and then lusted after incestuously)? What about the sexual development of girls? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING WOMEN IN YOUR LITTLE THEORY FREUD?!!!!
Two, not everything is about sex! Just all the conclusion, leaps and jumps that he makes, are completely and totally ridiculous. One of the examples was a guy who dreamed about some wolves outside his window, and developed a phobia of wolves. Freud took this as a perfect example of the primal event, some how from this he concluded that the boy must have witness his parents having sex at some point. I can't remember the rest of his conclusion, it was all ridiculous and worse than what I've talked about. But ...AHHHHH! I just can't even think straight anymore, i want to make an effigy of him and beat the living shit out of it.

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