February 14, 2007

Here we go again...

So this is probably the...oh lets say 5th blog I've started. I've been on deadjournal, livejournal, friendster and myspace... and they no longer satisfy my blogging needs. While I’ve enjoyed my time with livejournal or myspace (the two I used most frequently), I think its time for a new blog for this new non-student phase of my life. This blog shall be a new chapter, a new forum to chronicle my stories, rants, musings and random thoughts.

Overall, this is going to be an experiment. While some of my entries will be the basic update variety, I'm also going to try to work on my writing style. Last weekend while at a party, someone started asking everyone what they wanted to be when they grew up. Throughout my life I have considered many different careers, yet for as long as I can remember I wanted to be a writer. Thanks to Reed and academic writing, this dream has almost died. Any confidence or skill that I might have once thought I had is almost completely gone. All that remain is the dream.

So my hope is that here, I will rekindle that dream. Instead of just posting for postings sake, I want to take my time here. Each posting will be a chance for me to exercise my style. And who knows, I even might eventually start posting some short stories or poetry (if I ever get around to writing them). I will also occasionally try to write in français or Chinese. So feel free to leave comments (or corrections for the foreign lang. posts) and constructive criticisms.

To I hereby claim this internet land in the name of Reanne, the foolish mortal still chasing her dreams.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey yo! Welcome back to being an internet superstar, although this time just to the friends. I wil try to stalk you as much as possible.