December 6, 2007

Correction: it was stroke

So John had a stroke, not a heart attack.

[Email from his wife, Cathy]

Dear Family and Friends, as some of you know and many of you don't, John had a stroke yesterday morning about 8 am. Fortunately, he was aware that something was rocking his world and was able to call 911. Upon his arrival at St. Charles, he was given a drug called TPA, which when given within 3 hours of a stroke, has the ability to break down the clot successfully in 1 out of 13 patients. John is one of those people and he is doing very well which of course is a huge relief to us and we are so thankful. The stroke he did have was considered minor so again a huge relief to us. John spent the night in the Critical Care Unit and today will have a MRI and a echocardiogram which will check to make sure that all the clots were dissolved with the TPA and to see what might have caused the stroke. I expect that he will be moved out of Critical Care into a regular hospital room. I will keep you all updated on his progress. I am sorry about the email as I know it is hated by some and loved by others but it is the easiest way to correspond with a larger group of people and hope you will understand.

I am sure you all understand how scary this has been for us but I am very confident that John will be just fine. Thanks so much for your love and friendship. Cathy, Luke and Nick

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