February 20, 2008


The past couple of night have been filled with vivid and crazy dreams.

Saturday: All I really remember about this dream was being very stressed out that I hadn't done the reading for class. What class, I don't know. I was just freaking out how I had lost touch with my academic side and was going to fail.

: I had one of those dreams within in a dream. I as married apparently, though I do not really remember anything about my husband. An Iranian god had started to visit me in my dreams and we were basically having an affair. It started out with me just thinking it was only a "dream" but then he introduced himself (after the first sex dream) and told how these dreams were more than just dreams. Apparently since he was a god, when he entered a mortals dreams things were a little more "real". (dream logic, go figure) I would "wake up" from these rendezvous next to my husband and feel guilty sleeping around in my dreams. But not too guilty, but the sex was amazing and I was falling for the god. Don't remember much about my husband, but the god was fucking hot. (I tried to see if there was any god of sleep or dreams associated w/ Iranian mythology, but couldn't even find any info on Iranian mythology).

Monday: The plot to this dream is gone, and thankfully so. This was one of the worst nightmares I've had in a long time. It was like being stuck in a really gory horror movie. People were peeling the skin off their own faces and other forms of self mutilation. At one point I remember seeing it like a pan out like in a movie, where everywhere I looked was filled with people tearing each other apart, riping flesh with their bare hands as they devoured each other. I woke up suddenly around 2am very disturbed and thankful the dream was over. The images from this dreams still plague me and I can only hope that it will soon fade from my memory.

Tuesday: I was in some public shower, like a gym but not sure about the actual location. Some very hot chick was there and made a flirty comment about what a great ass I had. Suddenly I'm kissing her and we start fucking in the shower. It was a very hot dream. [devilish grin]

Vivid dreams like these used to be common for me, that is before college. Once I started sleeping less my vivid dreams became infrequent. This week I've been trying to get to bed earlier than midnight and so far all I've noticed is an increase in dreams (not a decrease in tiredness in the morning, which is what I'm hoping for). My pagan side must also point out that today is a full moon, so the waxing moon (in Leo) could also be an influence.

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