February 25, 2008

reanne the idiot strikes again

I couldn't really call this a "chronicle of absurdity" unless I talked about my recent idiotic move of the year. So Friday I had several beers with co-worker since it was my managers last day (which was really sad because I really liked my manager). Anyways, by the time I got home, I was very tipsy. After Seth (a co-worker) as kind enough drop me off from the bar, I suddenly realized I had no idea where my keys were. I had this sinking feeling and just "knew" that they were gone for good.

First thing I did was text some of my co-workers who I had been drinking with, especially Seth, who was kind enough to give me a ride home. Alas, none of them had seen my keys. Called the bar we had been at, no luck. The next day I sent Trimet a message (since lost & found was closed for the weekend). I called the security for my office building, (once again lost & found was closed). Lindsay lent me her keys while she went hiking with Andy and I made a copy for myself.

The thing that I was really dreading was this morning (Monday) when I would not be able to turn on my computer because I didn't have my RSA secure token. The little device that I need to access the secure data server and is the reason I think I got hired on (temps aren't allowed access to that server). When I first got into the office I wondered around trying to find someone who could help me get a new one so I could log onto my computer. Apparently not that many people are here at 8am, so after a while I sat down at my desk and put my head into my hands.

While sitting there in my caffeine deprived despair (both of the coffee machines weren't working), I suddenly realized there was one part of my bag I hadn't checked. Lo and behold, my keys were there.

Needless to say, I feel pretty damn stupid right now.

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