April 16, 2008

Bike Commuting: Take Two

Today was the second time I've biked to work, and somehow manage to cut my time down by at least 15min. I left the house close to 7:30 (perhaps just a few min before). I did change the route, but only slightly. It probably was mostly due to a combo of good luck with traffic and the fact I didn't get lost/turned around like I did the first time. I still want to tweak with my route and now feel more hopeful I can cut down my commute time so more.

I'm really glad I biked today since didn't at all last week. When I first woke up, I felt that lazy urge to take the bus. The fact that I was also a little hung over from the first "Tavern Tuesdays" (Jeff suggested we change the name to "Brewsday" which I rather like) adventure at the Lucky Lab last night. Each week we want to explore a different brew pub in Portland. We have been trying to get this going since March, but last night was the first night we finally did it. I rather liked the Lucky Lab and also discovered that I like porters. I've been a strict amber ale person for a long time now, shunning anything that was too dark looking. Anything that is rather strong with the hops taste I tend to dislike (like IPAs), but I for some reason though porters were like IPAs.

Anyways, I tried to leave around 11pm (thinking I would get to bed before midnight for once, ha!)... but then Jeff bribed me to stay longer with a free beer. What was I do? I can't refuse a free pint. So when I woke up after having another night of little sleep with a headache, the temptation to just bus it was almost too much. But I persevered.

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