April 14, 2008

Fraternal Fascimile

One of the people I met on Friday was the fiancé, Broc (sp?) of one of Amanda's co-workers, Odell (sp?). He reminded me of my brother to an uncanny degree. It wasn't so much his appearance, though he did have some physical similarities, it was more his personality. He made the same type of jokes that Ry would and dressed in a similar fashion. The entire time we spent together I kept feeling like I was with my brother, well almost because it obviously wasn't the same. I really liked both of them and hope to spend more time with them.

Aside from the oddness of how alike this guy was, it made me realize how much I miss my brother. Its been almost a year since I've seen him, even longer since I've seen my sister-in-law. My trip to London to see them both is approaching, in about 30 days, and I can't wait. While I do want to do some touristy things while I'm there, really all I want to do is spend some time with the two of them, especially with Ry. I'm looking forward to having a few beers (or more) at Ry's favorite pub and cooking dinner some night with Alletta. Last time I talked to my folks we were trying to see if we can all travel to Ireland together, as well as Edinburgh. I really hope this can happen, because going to Ireland is on my "things I must do before I die list." Still, no matter what, so long as I get some quality time with my brother (and Alletta of course), I will be happy.

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