April 22, 2008

Oh what a foolish child I am

Yesterday I choose not to bike to work since weather.com was telling me there was an 80% of rain. Not only did it not rain during my to & from work, but I got stuck downtown after an accident caused the Morrison bridge to close. It took 25min for the bus to move only a 5 blocks. I kept staring at the bikes passing us by, cursing myself for not biking.

I should have known better. This is Oregon after all. Full of the crazy unpredictable weather I usually love. However now that I'm trying to become a bike commuter, my love for this erratic weather will only cause me grief. I need to do one of two things: 1) get over my fear of my crappy brakes when wet and learn to increase the braking distance or 2) get new wheels

I've been talking about going to a bike shop to price new wheels for a while now, but was putting it off with my expensive trip to London coming up. Not sure if I will realistically do anything about my bike before my trip since I only have a few weeks left before I leave. However I need to come up with a serious solution before the rainy season in the fall. My long term goal is to bike every day, regardless of the weather.

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