May 12, 2008

split personalities in gchat land

Below is a rather confusing chat I just had with my bro and folks. Right now my parents are with him at the Isle of Wright where Alletta just finish a marathon.

whaz up biznach
me: who is this?
Mom: yo mama
me: you can't be mom, because she would never use such language
guessing this must be that evil brother of mine
Mom: i've been schooled by london slang
me: not buying it
Mom: fuck u
me: this stinks of ryan
Mom: i dont know what you talking about

[chat interrupted by Ry calling me to further this ruse., since it just couldn't be him if he was calling me... yeah right Ry]

so is mom actually online now, or is ryan still being sneaky?
Mom: HI , Reanne As you know Ryan has been mis rerepresenting me. All is weel in London far to well..we are having the time of our life. Ryan is trying to turn us to alcoholics...he may suceed! sending my love MOM
me: "turn us to alcoholics" umm... do i have to point out the obvious problem w/ that statment?
hard to turn someone into to something that they already are
Mom: I do not want to it! I would have stopped at 3 beers....we have moved to 4, his
me: pouvre (french for poor thing)
i'm sure you all just suffering at the hands of ry the tourist guide
correction: ry the evil tourist guide
Mom: ya know that your a vuengful cunt
me: i see you've return, oh potty mouthed one
Mom: what are you talking abot
you cunt
Mom: Forgive him father for he knows not what he speaks!
i know a bit
me: either mom is having or psychotic break or ry hijacked the gchat again
Mom: (that was dad, with the forgiveness bit)
and this is me
me: me who? so far 3 different people have been on here
Mom: It was I ...Dad
me: Happy Birthday Dad, I'll have to buy you a birthday pint in Edinburgh
Mom: Don't you have a job to do??????
me: i'm doing it as we speak (well chat)
this is what i do all day. work while chatting to folks
Mom: We cannot wait until you are here I am signing off . Anything else will be the evil son! Also our battery is low , so farewell!
me: see you all soon

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