June 12, 2008

in transition once again

To quote my brother, " Hello everyone. This is [Reanne], the bad blogger."

It's been while since I've actually posted more than just a funny pic or video clip. So much has happened in the past month: Grandma dying; my vacation to visit Ry & Alletta in London; traveling to Edinburgh; seeing Eden; Joyce and her baby news (post soon to come on this one). Next thing I knew I was back home and I'm still getting back into the swing of things. I have these high ambitions about writing about all of these things, but we'll see what actually happens.

Right now, I want to write about this feeling that started when I was in Shanghai and then become even stronger when I was in London. My brother and I were walking through this park, Hampstead Heath, and I found myself telling my brother how I felt like I was entering the period of change in my life. It wasn't until I said those word that I realized just how true this is. I feel like I did right before college. When I was in the flux between high school and college, I remember having this feeling. Or rather, a sense of change. Like smelling the rain in the wind long before the drops start to fall.

Maybe its my growing involvement in the bike community here. Maybe it's some vicarious feeling from Susanna & Lindsay with them about to go off to grad school. All I know is that I feel like I'm about to enter a new phase in my life.

So since I'm in this contemplative mood, I feel like listing my current goals for this summer.

  • Read more
    • Been spending far too much time playing computer games (Civilizations or Settlers of Catan online mostly) or watching DVDs while I crochet. I used to be an avid reader, but lately I'm lucky to read anything more than comic books.
  • Bike more
    • Not just for commuting but for recreation as well. With Pedalpalooza starting I hope to part in more bike rides this month. But really I should do more independent bike rides on my days off. There lots of Portland I haven't seen yet, and it will only help my nervousness the more I ride.
  • Eat healthier
    • Been in a junk food phase, mostly due to laziness & not wanting to cook. But I really want to start eating more veggies. Lately my inner environmentalist stomps her foot when I eat meat, reminding me how bad the industry is to both the animals and the environment. So far my cheap side has drowned out her pleas, but she's getting harder and harder to ignore.
  • Practice chinese
    • I paid for a premium account for Chinesepod right after I got back from my trip to Shanghai, but I've barely used it. [hangs head in shame] I still dream of someday living in Shanghai (and hopefully work for Chinesepod), so I need to get off my lazy ass and make time for studying. My inner (academic) nerd seems to be in hiding. Perhaps that lazy, slothful side has her tied up in closet somewhere.

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