June 12, 2008

Nationalism Chinese Style

This Chinese guy stuck 2008 pins in his head to celebrate the Olympics. Have to give this guy some degree of respect, but holy fuck can you imagine how long that must have taken?

And then I saw this on the BBC: parents are naming their kids 奥运 Aòyùn, thats chinese for the Olympics. Yesterday on Jenny Zhu's blog (of Chinespod), she posted about how the game officials have released an official Olympic four part cheer for Chinese spectators to use. "This doesn’t mean spectators’ can’t cheer in their own ways, but the authorities hope to rally a uniform, powerful and 文明/wen2 ming2/’civilised’ audience to showcase China’s image to the world."

I find all of this surge of Chinese nationalism in the news fascinating. Perhaps it my own lack of nationalism that makes me find it so perplexing, because I honestly do not understand having such pride in one's country. When I was in Fuzhou they had a mini parade one day for all the international students. They wanted us to walk around this stadium, holding a mini flag of our country. I stole a French flag because I didn't want to hold an American one. I did feel a little silly for this at the time. However, I do not feel proud to be an American at all. I feel pride for Oregon and Portland, but not for this country.

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