July 9, 2008

A Sign of Commitment

Yesterday I journeyed out to the Grove to get my hair done. After a great deal of indecision, I decide to take the bus that morning and leave my bike at home.

Somewhere, there is a secure WebMD bike parking area. In this bike parking area, I could leave my bike overnight if I wanted to. Right now I use the main area that for general use in the building and they do not allow overnight storage. So the indecision dance was me debating whether or not to bike to work that morning, and try to find this seemingly mythical WebMD bike parking before I would leave for the Grove. I gave into my tired & lazy side and opted to search for this parking area later.

This lead to a second "dance of indecision" later on that day. The dance of whether or not I would stay the night at my folks house. In the past I would always stay the night after getting my hair done since the appointment usually didn't end till after 8pm. (Yes, it takes 2 hrs to get my hair done... this is one of the few truly girly things I do in my life. Shut up.) But when I had made the decision to not bike that morning, I told myself that would mean I would go home right after my appointment. I must have changed my mind about that a dozen times throughout the night.

I ended up with a sort of compromise. I decide to stay the night, but rode in with my Dad. That meant I got up at 4 am, so that I could take the MAX/bus to my house with enough time to shower, eat breakfast then start my ride to work. Being on the bus yesterday made me realize how much better biking is.

Moral of this story: Reanne is now willing to sacrifice sleep for the sake of her bike.

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