September 5, 2008

Somber Friday News

Today my called me to tell me that my Grandpa, the husband of my Grandma who died in May, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Due to his age (86) and weak heart (had a heart attack back in 2002), treatment options for him are very limited. Luckily he seems in good spirits right now. The docs still need to figure out how aggressive this cancer is and if it has spread at all. Hopefully for Grandpa sake it hasn't spread since chemo is not an option.

The really weird thing about all of this is that on Wed, my mom had called me and left a voice mail. I when I listened to her voice mail (all she said was for me to call her when I got a chance), I had this sinking feeling in my gut that something was wrong. When I talked to her, she said nothing was wrong she just wanted to chat. They didn't find out about the cancer till yesterday, Thursday. The skeptical part of me chalks this up to a fluke, but part of me can't help but wonder if my intuition was picking up on something. I've usually taken some small degree of pride in how often my intuition is right. So after misreading Mom's message on Wed, I've been doubing myself. I was actually thinking about this on my morning ride to work.

Anyways, this is certainly bringing down my mood for this friday. I'm still dealing with losing Grandma... to think that Grandpa could go soon as well is still too much to deal with right now.

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