September 2, 2008

that anniversary thing

As of Sunday (8/31/08), I have been employed at WebMD for one whole year. However, I still consider my time as a contractor as working for WebMD though AppleOne was technically my employer. So for me, this marks the 2nd year anniversary at this job. Crazy to think that this job started out as a temp gig. Just something to pay the bills till I figured out what was next.

And I'm still figuring that out. I have ideas, vague sketches of something resembling plans, but really I don't know whats next. With Lindsay leaving soon for grad school... I keep having these "what am I doing with my life" moments. I'm biding my time really. Procrastinating in the usual fashion by sticking with a job that more convenient than a career plan. Don't get me wrong, I love working here. It's a great company and I work with some really awesome people. But I don't see myself following a "career" in customer service (or whatever else you could call my job).

Anyways, I'm full of nostalgic thoughts today. So here an interesting little list of where I was X years ago....

  • ....1 year ago I had just started living Lindsay and working as a full time employee for WebMD
  • ....2 years ago I was living in that horrible attic bedroom and had just started my "temp" job downtown
  • ....3 years ago I was starting my senior year trying to figure out what my thesis was going to be about
  • .... 4 years ago I was adjusting to life in 福州 Fuzhou and getting to know Joyce


Unknown said...

Were you riding your bike east on Hawthorne Friday night around 8:30pm?

Reanne (柔安) said...

Nope, think I was home around that time.