October 8, 2008

Bicycle Commuter Act

I was pleased to hear that the bicycle commuter act was added as a sweetener for the bailout bill.

But after reading this BikePortland article about the details of this act I'm a little irritated.

Here is an excerpt:
  • Q: "If I put my bike on a bus/train for part of my commute, can I still get the benefit?"
  • A: "At this time, the language would preclude one from obtaining both a transit pass benefit and a bicycle commuting benefit…"
So many folks have to use trimet as part of their commute to make it reasonable to bike. I know several people in my office who live too far away to not use the MAX part way.

Overall this is a step in the right direction so I guess I shouldn't be too pissy. Still, boo I say, boo.

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