June 2, 2009

Shanghai Dreaming

This interview happened awhile ago, but I had to post it. Jenny Zhu is one of my favorite people at Chinesepod. I was lucky enough to briefly meet her last year during my visit to Shanghai last year when Joyce got married. She is a fascinating woman and I love all the work she has done with Chinesepod & on her blog, Jennyzhu.com

Yesterday Joyce called me and we got a chance to briefly talk. Just hearing her voice made me miss her so much. Then after watching this interview with Jenny, my longing for Shanghai is increasing.

I had started to give up on the dream of moving back to China recently, but now I'm not so certain. I still can't really afford it as my debt is still great & savings minimal. Hopefully my upcoming trip to Ireland won't set me back too much.

I really want to work for Chinesepod. I've been a loyal listener to the podcast since 2006 (though sadly have never been active that much on the site). Even if I couldn't get a job there, I do want to live in Shanghai. I miss Joyce terribly. I want to live in the same city as her again. To be part of her life more than a few times a year. Gods, I feel so uncertain about how to make these dreams come true.

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