July 3, 2009

quick somber update

I have this plan for a massive Ireland write up (which I still haven't given up hope on), however I feel like I should write a quick note. Right now its either the medication I'm on or the heat (perhaps both), making me lazy. However there have been some updates in my life aside from my trip, which was more amazing than I could ever have anticipated by the way, that I feel I must write about. So this will be a quick somber post.

Last Friday, June 26th, my aunt Karen O'Sullivan died. Before I left I knew that she had been told she had only 3 months left to live as her breast cancer has spread throughout her body. I was not prepared for the news of her passing as I sat in the Newark airport Monday talking to Mom to kill time before my next flight. I only really remember Karen from the O'Sullivan family reunion when I was in high school, I believe I was only about 16 at the time. I remember her amazing smile & the ease I felt talking to her. Mostly due to the distances separating us all, I'm not very close to the O'Sullivan side of the family. Karen was one of my aunts & uncles that really stood out among the rest & I always remember with great affection.

The other sad news I was greeted with that day is that Grandpa O'Sullivan, my last remaining grandparent, definitely has cancer. At the moment I'm not even quite sure how to put into words what I feel. So all I can say is that I hope for him what I hoped for the rest of my grandparents who have passed away. That if this means his time on this earth is soon coming to an end, that it will a painless as possible.

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