March 16, 2007

academic ambitions return

After hearing about a good friends acceptance to grad schools in the UK, I couldn't help but feel the academic in me awaken. After the agonies of thesis writing and the general burn out with Reed and academic life, I didn't think would got to grad school at all. But now that I've been working in a cubicle for the past 7 months... and the contagious excitement of friends grad school opportunities... suddenly grad school is incredibly tempting.

I still want to live in Shanghai for a while, but I've always known that could only be for a few months. Now I'm thinking that after my time in Shanghai that I will try to go to grad school for masters in probably Chinese lang or something involving Chinese politics.

It's so refreshing to have some direction in my life. Those first few months of my post-Reed life were far too aimless. I had never really thought of what would happen after college, so when I realized I was done and didn't know what to do next, I felt lost. My worst fear growing up was that I would end up working crappy jobs the rest of my life never really doing something made me feel inspired. In my naiveté college seemed like the solution to those fears. So when I graduated with my expensive degree no closer to knowing what I wanted to do with my life, I felt betray by academia.

Who knows what direction my life will take over the next few years. Too many factors could change that would alter my plans, but such is life.

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