March 26, 2007

The Danger in Wearing Socks

Yesterday I fell down the stairs, with my ass hitting every single step on the way down. The stairs leading to the upstairs are hard wood with the edges rounded. I should also mention that they are very small, about a good 2 inches smaller than the length of my feet. I've gotten used to walking up and down then, my feet angled so that I don't over lap the edge. However due the curved smooth edges and me wearing socks, yesterday my foot slipped out from underneath me within the first few steps.

I tried to catch myself, however it happened so fast I was sprawled out on the kitchen floor before I really knew what happened to me. There was a brief moment, mid air before my ass began to bounce off every step on my way down, where I realized that I was very lucky that I was not older. If someone about my grandmother's age had the fall I did yesterday, the results would have been far worse no doubt.

So far, the only thing I can do w/o pain is standing. Sitting (once I can find a way to sit without putting any pressure on my tail bone) is mildly uncomfortable. I know that thanks to the awkward way that I have to sit my back is going to start being a pain. I can walk with a minor degree of pain, however only at about half my normal walking speed.

I've hurt myself this way before, so I know that the recovery time is going to be annoying slow.

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