March 29, 2007


Despite the fact a bout of insomnia last night, I had one of the most crazy and intense that I've had in a long time.

The beginning of the dream is rather fuzzy... but I do remember something involving my Aunt Theresa and my cousin Kevin (her son) and bikes. What exactly was going on... well who knows? That next part of the dream is where things started to become very vivid and intense. Both my parents and my brothers were with me, at some location like a rest stop off the highway. I think we were on a trip to somewhere (or perhaps returning), I'm not really sure. All I remember is that we were surrounded by woods, and after Theresa and Kevin left, I stopped a giant wolf across the road.

Have you ever seen Princess Mononoke? If you have, then imagine not the really huge wolf god, but her children with the coloring of a gray wolf. If you haven't seen the movie, well then imagine a wolf about 10-12 feet long, large enough that someone could ride on its back. When I spotted this wolf it was running down the steep forest edge across the road. Now sometime wolves in my dreams are good omens. I will feel safe around them and feel this amazing special connection. And then sometimes they are dangerous: this wolf was very dangerous and on the hunt for a meal of tasty humans.

I knew it was headed straight for us and we needed to get the hell out of there fast. When I altered my parents my Dad insisted that I climb this strange looking tree. The tree branches were more like very thick vines twisting together. Somehow my Dad got me up into a very high branch (I've got height issues and I'm not very good at climbing trees. Exacting what happened with the wolf after this is vague. The only thing I really remember is a disembodied wolf head floating around at some point. Why? I have no fucking idea; dream logic is always strange once your awake but makes perfect sense in the dream.

The wolf danger had passed, and we all pilled into my parents Explorer. We were all sitting there in
the car, joking around and completely relieved that the wolf crisis had passed. Just as Dad began to start the car, a plane flew over heard, only a few hundred feet above us.The plane was one of those crop-duster types. It was spraying some sort of red & green liquid everywhere. As I looked out the windw, for a moment time slowed down and I saw that the spray looked like a plaid design. Once it did hit the ground, it somehow started creating a mini-earthquake. I'm not totally sure if the ground really was moving, but our car started bouncing around and we had no control over the car. Suddenly, we were thrust out into the highway, where we collided with on-coming traffic. The car started to spin and next thing I remember is our car crashing into a near-by convenience store (which I don't remember being there before).

After confirming that we all were alright, we climbed out of the car and walked into the store to check in there. Somehow the owners were oblivious that a car had just run into their store. I received a huge shock when I saw that one of the owners was my former best friend from middle school, Maranette. Now the background story her would take too long to write here, let’s just say our friendship ended badly, very badly. While Dad was talking with her husband about what happened, we made eye contact and she clearly recognized who I was. Yet neither of us said a word to each other and pretended like we were strangers.

1 comment:

Ryan Dunn said...

I had wolves in my dream last night as well. Mine were threatening me and a friend until I simply told him and his pals to go away. I figured a prostrate human behaving in an unafraid manner would be more threatening than one that immediately sprung to his own defense. There is danger in the sly. Wolves know this more than anything.