August 23, 2007

an update

The craziness of the past month seems to be finally dying. Joyce, my dear friend I met while living in Fuzhou, was here for almost four weeks (7/24 to 8/17). It was an amazing and wonderful visit. Evelyn and I tried to take her to our favorite Portland restaurants and other must-see sights. My parents were very kind and hosting a fabulous dinner (my dad cooked a superb meal) and taking Joyce and I to the beach for a mini-camping trip.

Just before Joyce arrived, I agreed to do something I swore I wasn't going to do this summer, move. Lindsay, Andy and I found this wonderful house that I'm still not sure how we got. We just finished interviewing potential housemates last night and soon will have a full house (5 people total). I'm very excited about this new living situation.

Shortly before Joyce left, I found out that there was an opportunity for me to get hired on full time, and I got the job! Starting next Monday I will be a real WebMD employee, and from here on out, AppleOne can kiss my ass! This job means a significant pay raise and full benefits (even stock options!). Still not totally sure how it will change from what I have been doing, but it looks like I'm going to be doing my technical things (like loading various files).

[Update] Real start date isn't till 7/30. Why? fuck if I know...

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