January 13, 2009

A Bike Commuter Reborn

For the first time since 10/30/08, I biked to work this morning. While walking my bike down our driveway, the old sounds of my clunky bike made me smile. And I felt rushed with joy as I started to descend down Harrison on my way to work. The entire way to work I realized just how much I missed my commute, especially the early mornings along the waterfront.

Oh gods, why did I stop biking for so long? Last night while chatting with a housemate, we talked about the vicious cycle of depression & lack of physical activity. Looking back, I can't help but wonder if things would have been different if I had kept biking. At first my insomnia and long hrs at work made choose the bus where me falling asleep on the way to work wouldn't' be hazardous. Then (far too quickly) I become reluctant to return to biking. The weather of course didn't help much in Dec, still I can't help but wish I hadn't stopped so soon.

If I had biked even just one more week in November, I would have reached the 1,000 mile mark for total mileage. Sadly, I only did a total of 993.85 miles for 2008. Still, overall it was probably a good start for a newbie bike commuter. From June through October, I managed to bike commute an average of 87% of the days I worked (95% for October alone, my best month). I also saved a total $339 in bus tickets in 2008.

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