August 11, 2008

500th Mile

Last week was a mixed week for me biking wise. Unfortunately, I had a very close call with a car. I was on my way to work and had stopped at a four way stop on NW Thurman & 26th. There was a car also stopped going the other direction. Since I saw no turn signal, I started to go straight when his car moved. For some reason I didn't start biking full speed and thank the gods I didn't because I quickly realized that the car was about to make a left turn right into me. I braked and the car stopped as soon as he realized how close he came to hitting me. The driver simply looked at me a bit daze, his expression mostly unread able. I yelled "TURN SIGNAL!" and then he took off. Since I was only a few blocks from the office, I arrived very shaky and freaked.

More and more I realize I am now learning the rules of the road as a bike commuter. So I'm constantly second guessing every decision I make while out there on the road. But this time I really feel that I did nothing wrong. If the car had signaled a left turn, I probably would have waited for him to go. Later that day I had a car almost make a right turn right into me and then yell at me for stopping at a stop sign. This scenario was a little more iffy. I had pulled up along side him so we both were at the stop sign at the same time. Still, I had clearly "stopped" since I was in his way and had to remind him of my presence since he was about to hit me. I'm never sure about places like this. I go to the right of the cars so that they don't run me over when they make right turns. However there was no bike box, or even a bike lane. Just the car and the narrow space between it & the curb where I pulled into. Perhaps I should have waited behind him, however I usually find I can make my turn before the cars.

Anyways, despite that bad day, last week I biked my 500th mile. I've been keeping track of my total miles and $ saved for each day I bike commute. Oddly enough, it was that bad day of almost getting hit that I biked the 500th mile. I think when I reach my 1000th mile I'll do something to celebrate. For I'm simply proud that I've been keeping up with this so much.

As of today: Total miles biked=550 Total $ saved= $175

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