April 30, 2009

dreaming renewed

Gods, last night's dream was simply amazing. It was a classic case of a wish-fulfillment dream. I dreamed that I had hooked up & fell in love with a major crush of mine from college. (Unlike most of my college crushes, this was one I had acted upon. Well kinda. It's complicated but I did talk to him but just couldn't act on it for reasons I don't want to go into here). Everything about the dream was incredibly vivid that when I woke up at one point, I was crushed to realize it was all just a dream. I ended up over sleeping my alarm by almost 30min because I just couldn't let go of the dream.

Ever since I stopped smoking my dreams have returned to the intense vividness I had most of my life before Reed & smoking pot. A few days ago there were more like nightmares or anxiety dreams ( mostly about my estrangement from my sister). I'm complicating posting some of these dreams here, or maybe on a separate blog. Like the one I had last night, I'd rather not give out the name of the person I dreamed about online. (So the curious will simply have to ask me about it elsewhere). I have started keeping a dream journal where I try to quickly jot down as much as I can while eating breakfast.

Back in high school, I kept a dream journal and got really into reading up on symbols & Jung. After taking a few religion classes, well I can't help be but feel a bit skeptical of Jung. Still, I might return to some of his work. Hopefully my future dreams will be as amazing as last nights (& maybe my real life might try to pick up the pace a bit as well. one can hope).

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